Welcome to the best kept secret in the swing dancing community...the source of new dancing music.

DJ "G"/ Greg Parmerton's
Spinnin' notes gif
TOP 10+Spinnin' notes gif
Just click the month and go!
 Dec 97  Jan 98  Feb 98  Mar 98  Apr 98  May98
 Jun 98  Jul 98  Aug 98  Sep 98  Oct 98 Nov 98
Dec 98 Jan 99  Feb 99  Mar 99 Apr 99 May 99
The reason this service was not continued is that Napster "DJ's" were scooping up the titles of the artists and songs and downloading them. It became VERY clear to me that I was helping MY competition with an easy access to great songs without the R&D (aka: $$$) that it takes to find a good song.

TOP 50 SONGS for 1998

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